Course Structure

How each course pans out

Arrive at the stated time to be welcomed with a tea or coffee and a chat with the chef. It’s then off to the kitchen for a brief demo of the first dish or task of the day. After that you get loads of hands-on prep and cooking assisted by the chef.

On the one-day course, lunch is included and will normally be what you have cooked that morning depending on the dishes covered. Occasionally, we’ll serve a sumptuous buffet lunch.  It’s then back to the grindstone for more demo’s, prep and cookery.

At the end of the course you get to take home what you cooked that day all packaged in nice food containers together with your recipe pack, an Exeter Cookery School pen… and a big smile!


One-Day Course With Lunch


Morning Course:


Afternoon Course:


Evening Course:

The Kitchen

Don’t worry, you won’t be cooking on any daunting restaurant-grade equipment. On the contrary, you’ll be using the kind of gear you’ll probably have in your own kitchen. That way, once you get home you’ll easily be able to replicate all of the dishes and techniques you’ve learned.

Most of the prep will be done around our large communal cooking islands standing side-by-side with your fellow students which makes for a great atmosphere.

Oh, and you won’t have to do any washing up!

Our Courses

From basic through intermediate and on to advanced levels, we have the perfect cookery course for you.

You’ll be encouraged to weigh, prepare and cook each dish from scratch rather than, say, just be given a bag of pre-mixed ingredients. That way, you’ll gain a much deeper knowledge of how a dish comes together.

After all, getting your hands dirty is all part of the fun of cooking.

Each course will be packed with cheffy tips, tricks and techniques honed in busy restaurant kitchens. Adapted for use in your home every aspect of our courses is designed to make cooking for family and friends easy and stress-free.

Hands-on cooking and no boring demos…

It’s totally hands-on and, with only one or two short inspirational demos by our experienced chef, you’ll feel completely satisfied with what you’ve achieved.

By the end of your course you’ll be brimming with new-found kitchen skills and cooking confidence!

Some of the things you'll learn include...

  • Cook Ahead Techniques
    Essential for when you’re planning your next dinner party or family meal.

  • Knife Skills
    You’ll leave us with the confidence to handle, sharpen and use a range of knives.

  • Flavour Enhancement
    You’ll be shown when and how to correctly season a dish and will learn the importance of tasting at every stage. We’ll cover the five flavour groups - sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami and show you how to intensify them.

  • Fish Filleting and Meat Butchery
    Fed up of reducing that beautiful fish or leg of lamb to mincemeat? You’ll learn how to do it right with us at your side.

  • Perfect Pastry
    Sweet short crust, savoury short crust, puff and flaky, there won’t be a pastry you can’t master!


  • One Day - 9.30 to 4.30pm (lunch included)
  • Half Day Morning - 9.30 to 12.00pm
  • Half Day Afternoon - 2.00pm to 4.30pm
  • Evening - 6.30pm to 9.00pm (wine, beverages and snacks included)

Five key ingredients of your cooking course at Exeter Cookery School…

  • Relaxed & friendly – no being made to feel stupid
  • Totally hands-on – it’s the best way to learn
  • NO washing up – just cooking, learning and eating
  • Flexible programme to suit you – variety of half-day, one-day, lunchtime and evening courses
  • Suitable for novice, intermediate & advanced cooks – we have the perfect menu whatever your skill level